Sunday, November 15, 2015

STP-BPDUGuard and BPDUFilter

Only on nontrunking access ports.
Enable BPDU guard on the switch, spanning tree shuts down PortFast-configured interfaces that receive BPDUs instead of putting them into the spanning tree blocking state enter a err-disable state
The BPDU Guard Default feature works in conjunction with Portfast to automatically enable BPDU Guard on any interfaces in the Portfast state. Portfast can be enable at the global level, or interface level

SW2(config)#int eth 3/0
SW2(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard enable

SW2(config)#spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
interface Ethernet3/0
 switchport mode access
 duplex auto
 spanning-tree portfast



Global and on port basis
Port Basis filter incoming and outgoing BPDU
Global filter Outgoing BPDU

SW1(config-if)#do show run int eth3/0
interface Ethernet3/0
 duplex auto
 spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

port will be not sending or transmitting any BPDUs and going to be rejecting any incoming BPDU that it receives.

Configured globally BPDU filter does not filter any incoming BPDUs and will filter all outgoing BPDUs, only 11 BPDUs will be sent initially after that its starts filtering. 

SW1(config-if)#do show run | i portfast|bpdu
spanning-tree portfast edge default
spanning-tree portfast edge bpdufilter default

int eth3/0
spanning-tree portfast

It enables bpdufiltering on ports that have port-fast configuration, so it sends a few bpdu while enabling port then it filters bdpu unless receives a bpdu, after that it changes from port-fast mode and disables filtering for port to operate like a normal port because it has received bpdu.

Once BPDU received on the port it will operate as normal port, the Port shall go into (Blocking , listening , learning and then Forwarding state)